Prices for the licence
The price of the licence for the Do Not Call Me list depends on the number of employees (up to 250 employees or more than 250 employees), as well as the type of company:
- Advertisers : those wishing to approach consumers/companies as part of a campaign
- Service Providers : those who, on behalf of advertisers, process call files and/or perform call actions (call centres, data companies).
- with more than 250 employees = €1,750 per year
- with up to 250 employees = €600 per year
- with up to 250 employees may also opt for a licence for one month = €60
Service Providers:
- with more than 250 employees = €1,200 per year
- with up to 250 employees = €550 per year
The annual licence will be tacitly renewed each year for one year unless you cancel your DNCM licence no later than one month before its expiry date – either by e-mail or via your online account. DNCM vzw undertakes to notify you no later than two months before the licence’s expiry date of the option of cancelling the licence agreement and of the fact that, in the absence of a reaction within the period specified in the General Terms and Conditions, the licence will be renewed automatically as provided in the General Terms and Conditions.
A one-month licence for an advertiser will not be renewed automatically.
All amounts shown are exclusive of 21% VAT.
If you want to purchase the licence, click here.
If you have any questions, please email dncm@dncm.be